We have learned about the water cycle.
We were wondering if we can filter water naturally.
We added some blue colouring to water in a 5l bottle that has a piece cut out of the side.
We are pretty sure that the blue water will evaporate, then will condense into clouds, then will hit against the cling film and drop (precipitation) into the cup. The only question is "will the water that falls as water droplets be clear or will it remain blue?"
Most of us predicted that the water will be clear, that it is only the water and not the food colouring that evaporates.
We will have to wait and see (and hope for some sunny weather to heat the water so it can begin evaporating).
April 26th. We have the results we were waiting for.
We can see, without any doubt at all, that the water that evaporated, condensed and fell into our cup is indeed colourless. The water in the cup is clear and not blue. We can see that water in the water cycle is indeed filtered to a certain degree.