Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore

EU Code Week: Coding with Angry Birds

EU Code Week: Coding with Angry Birds

We used the QR code that teacher set up for us to access Hour of Code's Angry Birds.

There are lots of levels of coding. We started with the easiest tutorial and worked up almost to the end.

We learned a lot of coding along the way.

Try it out for yourself here:


EU Code Week: Coding with Angry BirdsEU Code Week: Coding with Angry BirdsEU Code Week: Coding with Angry BirdsEU Code Week: Coding with Angry BirdsEU Code Week: Coding with Angry BirdsEU Code Week: Coding with Angry BirdsEU Code Week: Coding with Angry Birds
Apr 07
Primary Maths Curriculum Teacher Training Day
Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore Avenue, Renmore, Galway City H91 N5H6
091 771 094
© 2025 Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore