Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore

Pizza Party

Pizza Party

We celebrated our fantastic involvement this year in the Féile Scoildrámaíochta drama festival with a pizza and cookie party.

Many thanks to Mrs. Daly and our Board of Management for our great celebration today.

We can't wait to see the cup that we won for being the best musical singing group Slua amhránaíocht ceolmhar is fearr.

Goodbye to Ms. Quinn and Sophie who have been teaching and helping us in school, on their last day today.

We will miss you both. Come back and see us anytime.

Pizza PartyPizza PartyPizza PartyPizza PartyPizza PartyPizza Party
Apr 07
Primary Maths Curriculum Teacher Training Day
Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore Avenue, Renmore, Galway City H91 N5H6
091 771 094
© 2025 Scoil Chaitríona Junior, Renmore